Nature Play Space Kiosks Project receives funding support
We are proud to announce two amazing contributions towards nature play in Lethbridge!
Recently we received a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta. We also received a $500 grant from The Georgina Foundation. Both grants will support our Nature Play Space Kiosk project!
The Loose Parts Playground at the 2018 Spring Nature Fest was a huge success. This initiated the idea to develop kiosks to make loose parts play more available in Lethbridge!
What is a Nature Play Space?
A self-directed and imaginative outdoor play area that has unlimited potential.
Unlike “normal” playgrounds our nature play space will provide open-ended play opportunities! Reusable materials offer an infinite number of configurations depending on a child's imagination.
The concept of “loose-parts” is essential for this project. Referring to any material that can be: moved, carried, stacked, or altered. Playing with loose parts is an excellent method to encourage creative thinking and well-being.
Our Nature Play Space project will increase play opportunities in Lethbridge. It will support hands-on, interactive, and engaging nature-based play.
Nature Play Space Kiosks will offer more play opportunities at the Nature Centre!
Why is Play Important?
Play is a child’s first method of engaging with the world. Offering the best possible play experience helps kids learn how the world works. This has lifelong benefits!
Play affects physical, social, emotional, cognitive, creative and communications skills in children. Healthy development of these skills will affect one’s health and wellness through their lifetime. Outdoor play builds physical literacy skills. This in turn boosts confidence, health, and wellness.
Spending time playing outside is good for everyone! With imagination, the potential of loose parts play is unlimited!!
Unfortunately, kids are spending less time being active than ever before! As everyone spends more time sedentary using devices and scrolling social media, we are spending less time outside having fun and playing. ParticipACTION estimates only 28% of Canadian kids are meeting national physical activity guidelines.
In Lethbridge we need to take action to bring play back! The Early Development Index (EDI) is a tool used by Kindergarten teachers to assess development in children. Recent EDI results for Lethbridge show that 1 in 4 children are at risk or vulnerable.
In 2018 Lethbridge City Council endorsed the Lethbridge Play Charter. The Play Charter outlines the city and many local organizations' commitment to support play opportunities. We are a proud signatory of the Lethbridge Play Charter. The Charter is inspired by Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
"every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts."
We are excited to work with the Helen Schuler Nature Centre to increase access to materials that support nature-based play. Our Nature Play Spaces Kiosk will also provide a demonstration and learning space for our community. It will offer an example for parents and educators to realize the benefits of outdoor play spaces.
We acknowledge the funding support provided for the Nature Play Space Kiosk project:
Thank you to the Lowe’s Canada Heroes program for their in-store fundraising support in September 2021.
Thank you to the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta for the grant from the Community Priorities Fund.
Thank you to The Georgina Foundation for encouraging our efforts.
We appreciate your enthusiasm for the project and your generosity to help us realize it! Stay tuned for updates as the project comes together in 2023!!
Curtis Goodman and Taylor Hecker are happy to see support for the Nature Play Space Kiosk project continue to grow!
Get Involved!
Community support of Nature Play Space Kiosks at the Nature Centre will benefit many people for many years to come! The project will provide kiosks and high-quality, durable materials that will support loose-parts nature play. The more community support we receive, the more we can do with this space.
Please consider supporting this project by making a charitable donation. Thank you for encouraging your friends and family to get involved!!