Supporting new Canadians to connect with nature in Lethbridge
Spending time outside is an important Canadian past-time!
Recently the Friends of Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society’s Board of Directors approved funding towards programming at the Nature Centre that will support new Canadians to get acquainted with the Lethbridge river valley. The ‘Welcome to Canada’ programs will support more diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre.
Learning about local wildlife is an important way to build familiarity and a sense of safety in spending time outside
We know that newcomers to Canada face a number of challenges - from feelings of isolation to difficulties with transportation; from limited language capacity to a steep learning curve about Canada’s climate. Compounding these challenges is the uncertainty of this new environment, including the range of new wildlife, which can lead to a fear or avoidance of natural areas.
Exploring Lethbridge’s river valley with the support of an interpreter is a great way for new Canadians to learn about their new home
We are proud to support opportunities for new audiences to experience the amazing natural spaces in Lethbridge. With this project, our goal is to identify and reduce barriers facing newcomers so that we can ensure we are doing our part to provide a welcoming and inclusive community for all who call Lethbridge home. Ultimately we want to support programs that welcome new Canadians and introduces them to their new home. We want to foster a sense of belonging that will build comfort and familiarity in spending time outside.
As a result of our funding support, already the Helen Schuler Nature Centre has started to work on targeted programming in collaboration with Lethbridge Family Services - Immigrant Services Department. They anticipate the first programs will start in mid-November and will continue into 2023. Stay tuned for updates.
We thank our Friends members for their support of our work in the community! Together we are investing in the future by supporting environmental education in Lethbridge. If you are passionate about supporting these initiatives, please encourage our work with a donation!