Annual Report 2024

Living Roof Mural by artist Laurel Scott


Thank you for being a Friend!

Our Focus

Advancing nature appreciation in Southern Alberta!

Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society supports a community of environmentally-responsible citizens with interactive, nature-based educational experiences.

Our Society builds appreciation and connection with nature by:

  • Supporting environmental education programs and special projects;

  • Enhancing the resources of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre;

  • Fostering the importance of nature!

Our Society advances education by providing workshops and presentations about the local natural environment to the public.

We are proud to partner with a network of nature and environment focused organizations to offer and support nature-based programming in our community.

We are always seeking grant and partnership opportunities for our programs, projects, and initiatives for nature-based education in Lethbridge.

In many ways our efforts make the Nature Centre better! However, our Society does not offset the capital and operational requirements of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. Instead, we provide enhancements for the benefit of the community that would not otherwise be available.

Coulee Clean-up, City Communications & Engagement team

Greetings from our Board of Directors

"My second year as President of the Friends of HSNC has been an interesting experience! One of the major events of the year was the departure, for another City of Lethbridge posting, of the primary liaison of the Friends with the operational staff of the Nature Centre, Curtis Goodman. Thankfully, that gap was soon filled by Chelsea Sherbut, a veteran of two organizations (the University of Lethbridge and the Lethbridge Senior Citizens Centre) both of which I have also enjoyed prior and current associations. Chelsea is a quick study and has rapidly cemented her relationship with the Friends joining the dedicated group of volunteers and other Helen Schuler Nature Centre staff members who help to flesh out the Friends Board. She has also brought new initiatives to the Centre. Of particular note was her well-timed mid-Summer Volunteer Appreciation BBQ luncheon. Delicious!

Meanwhile, Curtis has rejoined the Board of the Friends as a volunteer and taken up the vital post of Treasurer so that his long experience is still available to us. So, with the continuing presence of Chelsea, Taylor Hecker and Coreen Putman as staff appointments and continuing volunteer Board members Curtis,Vincent Fournier, Deb Kellett, Kristen Aspden and new volunteer Cory Burns-Dennis, you could say that the Friends are looking out at 2025 as 'All aboard and steady as she goes!’ I thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve as the President of the Board of the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre.”
John Usher - President

"The highlight of 2024 for me was finally activating our Nature Play Pods Project. Ever since I first saw the Lethbridge College(now Polytechnic) host their Loose Parts Playground at Nature Play Day in 2018 I’ve always wanted to try it myself. Our Nature Play Pop-Ups that we held during the summer were a huge success. The water table especially was a big hit on those hot summer days. I’m so grateful for all the help from the Friend sof the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in seeing this project come to fruition and I’m looking forward to offering more of these play opportunities in the future.”
Taylor Hecker - Secretary & HSNC Representative

“Join in all the fun as a member at the Nature Centre!Participant in a nature walk, volunteer with amazing people and grow in your local community. There is enjoyment for all ages.”
Kristen Aspden -Vice President

"My favourite part of being on the HSNC Board is the combination of working with wonderful people, witnessing the incredible initiatives at Helen Schuler, and contributing to the preservation of our beautiful community. The board operates with exceptional efficiency and stands as a model of organization."
Vincent Fournier - Director

"It was great to see the unveiling of the Outdoor Nature Play Pods. The kids just loved them and were so creative with their uses. My favourite memory is of a little boy, about 3 years old,very proudly telling me that he was building a city. It is great to be involved with a board that can help to bring such wonderful visions to fruition.”
Deb Kellett - Director

“I am honoured to serve as the Treasurer of the Society after spending the past decade working closely with the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. It is a privilege to continue supporting such meaningful and impactful work. This past year, we have seen tremendous growth in our Endowment Funds. These resources are essential for ensuring that the Centre receives an annual grant, allowing it to flourish as it connects our community to nature. I encourage everyone to contribute to the ongoing growth of our Endowments, helping us sustain the Nature Centre's mission for generations to come.”

Curtis Goodman - Treasurer

Nature Play Pop-up July 2024

Notable accomplishments in 2024

In the past year, our efforts have resulted in significant support of nature-based programs, capital enhancements at the Nature Centre, and awareness of our role in the community.
In March, the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society were grateful to announce a remarkable donation from long-time supporter and Nature Centre volunteer, Carol Andreachuk. Wanting to support the Centre in a significant way, the incredibly generous $40,000 donation was directed to the Endowment Fund. This gift, the largest individual donation to the endowment, will support nature-based programs and conservation initiatives in perpetuity. Thank you so much, Carol.

Our Society sponsored a Welcome to Canada program for 27 participants in April. The full day program was hosted at CASA and the Nature Centre, in partnership with Lethbridge Family Services – Immigrant Services, and introduced individuals and families to recreation and cultural opportunities in Lethbridge. A summer Welcome to Canada program featured the Nature Play Pop Ups and was greatly enjoyed by 35 participants.

Also in April, we hosted the City Nature Challenge (CNC) 2024: Lethbridge and participated in a global bioblitz!

  • 844 observations were made

  • 278 species were observed

  • 16 observers took part

Can you help us top this in 2025? This year’s CNC is April 25-28.

Coulee Clean-up BBQ Group Photo

In May we partnered with Environment Lethbridge to bring together the Lethbridge Urban Nature & Environment Round-table (LUNER) partners. This is an opportunity for nature and environment-focused organizations to share information and encourage collaboration within our local sector.

Donor directed funds to the river valley conservation programs increased significantly in 2024! As a result, we are pleased to celebrate a contribution of $2250 to programs such as the Coulee Clean-Up, Shoreline Clean-up, Invasive Weed Pulls and the (soon to be announced) Lethbridge Verdant Quest program in 2025! Our sponsorship of the river valley conservation projects in 2024 resulted in 1,026 volunteers covering 105 unique clean-up zones and removing 487 bags of garbage and debris. 3 shoreline clean-ups resulted in 19 clean-up data cards being submitted. In addition to the usual hand-pulling of knapweed during the invasive weed pull programs, a Russian Olive tree removal pilot project took place in 2024. We are happy to support our river valley each year in such meaningful ways thanks to the on-going support of donors and members like you!

Living Roof Mural in progress (milkweed)

We were pleased to support a Lethbridge Public Art Mural Project at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in July. Local artist Laurel Scott completed the breathtaking artwork on the Centre’s Living Roof in September. Titled Native Flora, the mural depicts larger than life botanical illustrations of local native plants with their Blackfoot, English, and Latin names, reminding us of the history and relationship these plants have had with humans over time. The mural can be seen from the park but is best appreciated up close. We hope you plan a visit to see it in person! Additionally, the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre worked with Laurel to create a series of commemorative and collectible stickers to promote the art project and to raise awareness of the beauty, importance, and unique features of native plants.

In June we were delighted to receive a generous donation of $509.11 from a Grade 1 class at Mike Mountain Horse school. The students did a fundraiser plant sale and chose to donate the proceeds to the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society in support of the Nature Centre’s living roof.

Cooking with mud at a Nature Play Pop-up

From July to the end of October we partnered with Lethbridge Plays to offer a total of 26 Nature Play Pop Up programs at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre. Program partners included the Nature Centre, Building Brains Together, YMCA, and the Lethbridge School Division. A total of 882 participants enjoyed nature-based play opportunities featuring a wide range of loose-parts play materials and equipment. Transportation support was made possible by generous donations to the Birdies for Kids program. This ensured there were no barriers to access this unique program.

We were once again a proud participating charity with ‘Birdies for Kids’. Rogers Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink is a non-profit program under the Calgary Shaw Charity Classic Foundation. The program matched up to 50% of all donations received! Our Friends made the most of this opportunity by donating $6,710, which was then matched for a grand total of $10,065! Thank you to everyone for taking part in this major fundraising opportunity!!

Once again, the Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society partnered with Rotary Club of Lethbridge East in September and October to host a successful Inspired by Nature: Youth Art Exhibition. This annual showcase of creative expressions from youth under the age of 18 highlighted the next generation of artists. 30 artists participated in the 2024 exhibition, 60% of which were returning artists. Since 2015, we have supported 279 young artists with this exciting program! We are pleased to announce Rotary has confirmed their continued support into 2025.

In September, we were proud to partner with the Southern Alberta Group for the Environment in co-sponsoring local author Lorne Fitch at Word on the Street with a new book, Travels Up the Creek: A Biologist’s Search for a Paddle. Since 2017 we have sponsored an author reading and presentation each year to ensure important environmental topics are part of the Word on the Street Festival event.

Inspired by Nature submission linocut “Nuthatch” by Dean Heggie

From September to November, we saw the Travel Adventures series return. We announced an amazing lineup of topics, travel themes, and worldly destinations. Thank you to our guest speakers and presenters – Rick Andrews (short films: American Bison and Sandhill Cranes), Joanna Fraser (A Novice Birder in Trinidad and Tobago), and Ken and Deb Kellett (Land of the Midnight Sun). In total there were 187 people in attendance and the programs raised over $1,800 in support of the Nature Centre!

Our Society provided a letter of support for Environment Lethbridge in their application for funding through the EJ4Climate: Environmental Justice and Climate Resilience Program. Their project looks to enhance neighbourhood community resilience by increasing public awareness around climate resilience in Lethbridge, while allowing Lethbridge residents to engage with hands-on projects that will address local climate risks such as extreme heat and drought.

In November and December, we partnered with the Education Team at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre to offer winter special editions of the Nature Play Pop Up programs. An additional 184 participants enjoyed the outdoor play and learning opportunities, embracing play in all seasons!

We are also thankful to the generous supporters who directed a total of four (4) end-of-lifecycle vehicles to us through the Donate-a-Car program. This resulted in $3,945.25 being disbursed to our Society through the program. These funds will help us to invest in the people, programs and experiences that support learning and growing with nature, as well as the conservation of our natural spaces.

Summary of Activities & Events in 2024

Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society is active year-round - delivering programs, grant-writing and fundraising, engaging in advocacy, and building our capacity.

Travel Adventures Presentations

  • Short films: American Bison and Sandhill Cranes with Rick Andrews (Sept 27)

  • A Novice Birder goes to Trinidad and Tobago with Joanna Fraser (Oct 25)

  • Land of the Midnight Sun with Ken and Deb Kellett (Nov 15)

Conservation Initiatives

  • Coulee Cleanup – Sponsorship (April 22 - May 31 )

  • Shoreline Cleanup – Sponsorship (7 clean-ups completed)

  • Invasive Weed Pull – Sponsorship (May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16)

Community Events, Outreach, Programs, & Workshops

  • Rogers Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink fundraiser (May 8 - August 31)

  • Lethbridge Urban Nature and Environment Roundtable (May 17)

  • Welcome to Canada with Lethbridge Family Services Immigration Department (April 8 & August 9)

  • City Nature Challenge – Community-wide Citizen Science BioBlitz (April 28 - May 1)

  • Nature Play Pop Ups with YMCA, Building Brains Together, and Lethbridge School Division – ProgramSponsorship (Thursdays & Fridays Jun 27 – Aug 23, Fridays Sep 6 – Nov 15, and Dec 30)

  • Inspired by Nature: Youth Art Exhibition – Program Sponsorship (Sept 22 - Nov 24)

  • Word on the Street – Lorne Fitch, Travels Up the Creek: A Biologist’s Search for a Paddle - AuthorPresentation (Sept 21)

  • Inspired by Nature: Youth Art Exhibition – Galley Closing Event (Nov 2)

  • Environment Lethbridge Letter of Support for EJ4Climate: Environmental Justice and Climate Resilience grant (Nov 8)


  • Annual General Meeting (March 17)

  • Executive Meeting (February 28)

  • Executive Meeting (May 8)

  • Executive Meeting (July 3)

  • Executive Meeting (Oct 5)

Learn about our upcoming programs and events online at

Beaver Colony 15 Coulee Clean-up

Get involved!

Join us in our mission to connect people to the benefits of the great outdoors!

  • Become a Friends Member

  • Donate

  • Volunteer with us

  • Consider joining our Board of Directors

  • Attend a program, event, or workshop

  • Visit the Nature Centre

  • Share a testimonial about the Nature Centre

  • Spend more time outside

  • Encourage your friends and family to join you