Donate today and support the Nature Centre in perpetuity!
With the support of our amazing Friends we have established an Endowment Fund (also referred to as a Charity Support Fund) with the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta.
Endowment Fund donations are not linked to a specific initiative or program. These contributions are invested to generate a stable source of revenue. In doing so, they help us build a sustainable future by providing long-term support of nature-based interpretive programming in Lethbridge.
Exploring the river valley is a great family activity that is made better with the support of the Nature Centre!
Together we can support and promote the benefits of environmental education to:
Ensure the long-term health of quality environmental education within our community;
Maintain nature-based interpretive programs for all ages and abilities;
Promote environmental stewardship and nature appreciation!
Thank you to all Friends donors that contributed the initial capital towards the Endowment Fund ($12,000) in our 2020 annual fundraising campaign.
Use the donation button below to contribute to our Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation through CanadaHelps - this will help us to provide an annual grant to the Nature Centre to support their work in our community!