Together we inspire! Celebrate GivingTuesday
GivingTuesday is a time to come together to celebrate giving and participate in activities that support charities and non-profits; to thank, help, give, show kindness, and share what they have with those in need.
This year GivingTuesday is on Tuesday November 29 - you can help us to ensure the long-term health of quality environmental education in our community!
There are many ways to show your support of the Friends of Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society this GivingTuesday:
From now until November 29th, donations made through CanadaHelps will automatically be entered for a chance to win a $5,000 charity gift card, the prize can be donated to one or more charities.
ATB Cares will match 20% of every dollar donated online, provide you with a tax receipt, and send us the money to support our mission! Some conditions apply. This is a great way to help us receive up to $5,000 of matching during ATB’s fiscal year.
PayPal has the option to ‘Give at Checkout’ - set us as your favourite charity, and every time you make an online purchase with PayPal, you’ll have the opportunity to donate $1 to benefit our cause. It’s an easy and convenient way to have a big impact.
A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don't apply, our charity receives the full fair market value when the security is sold, and you get a tax receipt which reflects your larger contribution. This allows you to give more and get more.
Attend Travel Adventures - this ongoing series features local world travelers sharing their adventures that help you discover the plants, animals, and people of places you’ve always dreamed of exploring!
Join as a Friends member! Annual member fees are an important part of our revenue - allowing us to cover insurance costs and pay speaker fees. Your membership helps to sustain our society!
We understand that budgets are limited and there are many charitable requests at this time of year. However you choose to show your support – whether it is by making a charitable contribution, renewing your membership, sharing a testimonial, or visiting the Nature Centre – we appreciate your support!
Thank you for supporting our work in connecting our community to nature!!
Every act of generosity counts. Everybody has something to give.